Saturday, November 21, 2009

What is the Meaning of Holiday?

Good news, Christmas and New Year are around the corner again! Wow, I felt like it just been a little while for Christmas celebration on last year. I believe you've planned for your year-end vacation and holidays?

In fact, how do you define the meaning of holidays? Some people like to visit other countries, advanced cities, villages, wild life, beaches or islands, historical places, hometown, or perhaps go for cheap sale city to do crazy shopping. And most of the people make their schedule very tight. Perhaps once they finished their vacations, they will need to get back to work immediately. How about you? Do you ever think of what is the meaning of your vacation? To make yourself tired or to relax from the busy work?

Beach is always the best vacation place to go, as it is really relaxing.

For me, holidays should be the opportunity to get ourselves rest and relax, enjoy the sweet time with friends and family. And we are to borrow this opportunity to recharge ourselves and have the purpose to get back to work again, and do it even better. If we are to get ourselves harder and tired for our holidays, then what's the point of having a vacation?

Some people even take leave and try to relax at home without going anyway, by turning off their mobile and computer. Or they opt for beaches and islands. I think this is a good idea to achieve the meaning above, because this is really what you are trying to relax and enjoy your holidays.

Theme park is good for relaxing too, but just make sure it doesn't get too crowded.

For people who choose to visit the busy city or enjoy the nature of the wild life, please make sure you don't get yourself too tired and try not to get back to work immediately. All we want is to eliminate the stress and having a meaningful vacation! As for my own vacation plan, I'll be going back to my hometown for a 10 days vacation until Christmas!

Happy vacation, folks!


jjcht said...

For me holidays are time to get together with family/friends, or opportunity to visit new places, or just rest & relax in 100% me time. Hope you enjoy your upcoming balik kampung holidays!

eKimkee said...

Agreed. I hope you have an enjoyable holidays too, HT!

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