Tuesday, May 27, 2008










老 者笑说:“你看,你现在至少已经拥有了一亿了,只是暂时还不想要这笔钱罢了。年轻人,一个有手,有脚,有眼睛的人还怕没有钱吗?实际上,凭你所有的一切, 你已经就是一位亿万富翁了。所以一定要看重这些无价的宝物,让它产生有利于自己,家人,社会,国家甚至人类有益的事。为自己造就浩大的人生价值和意义。不 要因为任何的挫折,打击,消极或暂时的不顺心,而把这一切给看轻和随意伤害自己的身体。这是愚蠢的,必吃大亏的,终会后悔的。”


A young man from Philadelphia sighs all day, with a worried look, complained “I’m too unfortunate! My parents left nothing for me. I don’t have a villa or a car! I can’t even afford a short vacation”. An old man said to the young man, “I have the means to make you very much richer, but you must exchange it with your current possession.”

The young man excitedly said, “Really? I would give you anything I have, so long as you can make me a wealthy man.”

“I will spend $500,000 to buy your hand”

“A hand? NO WAY” the young man rejected without hesitation.
“Then, how about a million dollars for your leg?” The young man firmly shook his head.

“Two eyes for 10 million dollars?” the young man declined again.

“Ok, I’ll purchase your eyes, both hands and both legs with a billion dollars” the young man refused without any thought.

The old man smiled, “Now you know that you possess at least a billion dollar. You just don’t want it at this moment!”

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